Samuel Stewart 
Location served:
Thamesville, Wallaceburg  
Years in Practice:
1884 to 1929
Area of Specialization:
Surgeon and Family Medicine  


Dr. Samuel Stewart was born in Kilmacrimmon, Donegal, Ireland on the 30th of September, 1859.  Dr. Stewart was the third of nine children born to John Stewart and the former Martha Logan.  His parents were farmers and his siblings were; James, John, Mary, Peter, Mathew, Matilda, Margaret and Logan.

In 1874 Dr. Stewart immigrated to Canada and lived with his uncle, James Stewart in Brampton, Ontario. He completed high school in Brampton before attending the University of Toronto in 1877.  Dr. Stewart obtained an Honors B.A. Degree in 1881 in Natural Science. He graduated M.D.,C.M. from Victoria College in 1883 and he worked as an assistant surgeon with the C.P.R.  According to the 1928 Ontario Medical Register, Dr. Stewart joined the College of Physicians and Surgeons on the 24th of April, 1884.  Dr. Stewart started his medical practice in Wallaceburg in June of 1884.

Dr. Samuel Stewart married Margaret Elizabeth McFarlane in Thamesville in June of 1885.  Mrs. Stewart was the eldest of 7 children born to Daniel McFarlane and the former Catherine Ferguson.   She was born on the 17th of January, 1861 in Detroit, Michigan.  Her sisters, Janet Ferguson McFarlane and Helen King McFarlane were also born in Michigan.  By 1868 the McFarlane family was living in Thamesville where Mr. McFarlane was a merchant.  Once in Thamesville, 4 more children arrived; Mary McFarlane, James Ferguson McFarlane, Catherine Agnes McFarlane and Edith Staniforth McFarlane.

Dr. Stewart was a Sunday School Superintendent at the Wallaceburg Presbyterian Church. Dr. Stewart sat on the Wallaceburg Public School Board and the Chatham Collegiate Institute Board and he was a member of the Knights of Pythias.  Dr. Stewart advertised in the 1885 Ontario Business Directory and Gazetteer under the Wallaceburg subtitle.

Dr. and Mrs. Stewart had 4 children; John James McFarlane Stewart was born on the 22nd of March, 1886 in Wallaceburg, Katherine Ferguson Stewart was born in Wallaceburg on the 16th of July, 1887, Daniel Logan Stewart was born in Thamesville on the 14th of June, 1893, and Martha “Edith” Margaret Stewart was born in Thamesville on the 26th of September, 1898.

Perhaps because Mrs. Stewart was from the Thamesville area, Dr. Stewart moved his home and medical practice to Thamesville in 1892.

Dr. Stewart was a member of the Ontario Medical Association and the Canadian Medical Association. He was also appointed as a Coroner.  Dr. Stewart advertised in the 1893 Ontario Directory and Gazetteer (Thamesville) and the Farmers and Business Directory of 1900.

Dr. Stewart sat on the Ridgetown Public School Board, the Thamesville Public School Board and the Chatham Collegiate Institute Board and he became an elder in the Thamesville Presbyterian Church.  Dr. Stewart belonged to the Tecumseh Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Thamesville.  He was also a member of the I.O.O.F.

In 1908 Dr. Stewart was nominated by the Conservative Party to run in the Federal Election. He was defeated by the sitting M.P., Mr. D.A. Gordon.

Dr. Stewart died at his residence in Thamesville on the 26th of October, 1929.  Mrs. Stewart died in Thamesville on the 7th of November, 1937.  At the time of her death, Mrs. Stewart resided on Ann Street.  Dr. and Mrs. Stewart were buried at the Sherman Cemetery in Thamesville.

*Dr. Stewart’s son, Dr. Daniel Logan Stewart also appears on the Chatham-Kent Physician Tribute website.